Fortifeye Vitamins will become the sole nutritional supplement sponsor of PCA USA for 2022. Dr Michael Lange has always had a passion for bodybuilding and fitness and said this is one of the best ways to get Fortifeye Vitamins Performance Nutrition brand out to this group of athletes. The Fortifeye Performance Nutrition team has sponsored many world class athletes over the last few years. Fortifeye Vitamins also has many past and current world champion athletes using the Fortifeye Performance Nutrition lines of supplements. The Performance Nutrition line is doctor developed using the very latest in evidence based sports nutrition to support muscle , ligament, tendon and skin health. These formulas were developed to give the nutritional support to enhance energy and endurance while supplying valuable nutrients to every organ in the body. Dr Richard Hall of The Lange Nutrition Center and Fortifeye Vitamins is the current Commissioner of PCA USA and says this is the perfect match for both. PCA and Fortifeye are both promoters of healthy fitness and are constantly involved in educating their athletes on the proper and healthy way to train and recover. The Fortifeye Performance Nutrition Team will be at all the PCA USA body building events for 2022. Please come on out to any of the events and see these amazing athletes on stage.
Fortifeye Fit is a combination of the latest clinically studied evidence based nutrients that work together to support strong and healthy muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. This sports nutrition supplement was developed to to give the fuel for quick explosive power and prolonged energy . These studied nutrients also help to promote strength and endurance while improving skin health too. Fortifeye Fit is developed to be used as a pre workout supplement and a post workout supplement all in one container. Fortifeye Fit is The ultimate muscle fuel. Dr Michael Lange
The combination of Fortifeye Super Omega-3, Fortifeye Focus, and Fortifeye Black Currant oil/GLA work synergistically together to help decrease dry, fatigued, tired eyes.
These supplements help to control oxidation and inflammation in the eye and entire body. This combination has been used for years in very busy dry eye centers throughout the country and is now available for the first time to the public as of January 2019. They are packaged together and discounted dramatically over buying them each individually.
There is plenty of research that shows improvement in dry eye symptoms and clinical signs of dry eye when patients take the right amount and correct form of omega 3 fish oil. Fortifeye developed FortifeyeSuper Omega over 10 years ago and this supplement is being used by doctors all over the world for dry eyes with positive results. Fortifeye Super Omega-3 is a new, improved, and stronger version.
There is also science based evidence that an Omega 6 derivative called GLA has potential positive benefits for the dry eye patient. Fortifeye has used 140mg of GLA combined with Omega 3 with great success with dry eye clinics. One of the most exciting nutrients on the market now is Astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is the most potent carotenoid that has both antioxidant and anti inflammatory effects. Dry eye centers have been using a supplement called Fortifeye Focus that is a combination of 6 mg of Astareal Astaxanthin , 10mg of lutein and 2 mg of zeaxanthin isomers. This supplement has shown some amazing promise at helping to reduce dry , tired eye symptoms. Fortifeye Focus is the first and only supplement in the industry that uses this combination of carotenoids with an olive oil delivery system in a fish gel capsule. These carotenoids cross the blood retinal barrier and go to both the front and back of the eye. lutein and zeaxanthin improve macular pigment density and help to absorb the harmful blue light that is being emitted from our digital screens and lighting we are in contact with on a daily basis. Astaxanthin improves choroidal circulation to the eye and improves ciliary muscle functioning ability. Astaxanthin actually improves amplitude of accommodation which improves focusing ability in the eye and reduces eye strain especially from digital screens. Astaxanthin also supports the “power house of the cell” the mitochondria that are responsible for cellular respiration and detoxification of the cells. Clinically, doctors have seen significant benefits with reduced eye strain and reduced dry eye symptoms from the Fortifeye Focus supplement. click on this link to learn more about Fortifeye Focus.
Blood testing has shown lower inflammatory markers in the blood when patients have taken the Fortifeye Super Omega and additional lowering of these inflammatory markers with the addition of Fortifeye Focus. These two supplements seem to have a synergy and work very well together. Many of the moderate to marked dry eye patients have benefited even further with the addition of GLA to this regiment of Fortifeye Super Omega and Fortifeye Focus. Many doctors have amazing results using and all natural approach for dry eye patients. Dry eye nutrition works when done with the correct supplements in the correct ratios. Fortifeye has utilized many different combinations of nutrients and obtained objective and subjective clinical data in the development of these supplements. A multitude of intracellular blood tests and omega index tests have been done to determine what percentages and forms of these nutrients work the best
After carefully evaluating all of the evidence based science , Fortifeye has taken all of these 3 supplements and put them all together in a cost-effective box called Fortifeye Advanced Dry Eye Therapy. Fortifeye Advanced Dry Eye Therapy will contain Fortifeye Super omega, Fortifeye Focus and Fortifeye Black Currant Oil/GLA . This combination of supplements is utilizing all of the latest ,best quality , evidence based supplements to enhance ocular health and functioning ability naturally. These nutrients have plenty of good clinical studies showing benefits to dry eye, eye strain and fatigue, macular pigment density, Skin health, joint health, muscle endurance , muscle recovery, mitochondrial support and much more. Fortifeye Advanced Dry Eye Therapy will be the latest natural approach for helping the patients with dry, tired eyes with numerous other potential benefits. This formula is also recommended for anyone suffering with Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Give the fuel your body and eyes thirst for with Fortifeye Advanced Dry Eye Therapy.
Dr. Michael Lange and Dr. Karen Hecht discuss the amazing health benefits of a super carotenoid called astaxanthin.
Come visit us at the all new Fortifeye Nutrition Center! Now open in Clearwater Florida.
1530 N. McMullen Booth Road D-10 Clearwater, FL 33759
This is the newest Clearwater health food store to open. Dr. Michael Lange has opened many nutrition centers in Florida and says it was time for Clearwater to have a vitamin store with all evidence based supplements. Fortifeye Nutrition Center opened on November 1, 2020.
Store hours: 9am-5pm Monday-Friday, 10am-2pm on Saturday and closed Sunday. Phone number is (727) 316-6385.
Fortifeye Vitamins has researched different forms of diets for years and years and has developed a diet called the Fortifeye Survival Diet. This is a diet that has eliminated all the substances in foods that is potentially damaging to our health . Some of the un healthy substances that are minimized by the Fortifeye Survival diet are gluten, pesticides, lectins, glyphoshates, arsenic, heavy metals, phytic acid, protease inhibitors, oxalates, fodmaps, alkaloids and phyto-estrogens. Patients seem to experience overall better health and improved ocular health when they follow a diet similar to this. Here is a link to the diet:
New vanilla flavored Non-denatured whey protein concentrate from grass fed Pasture raised New Zealand cows. ( No sucralose, no acesulfane-k, no aspartane, no carrageenan, no artificial flavors, no dyes, no casein & no soy lecithin)
Fortifeye has re formulated their Vanilla Super Protein for 2020 with a revised new creamy delicious vanilla flavor and now instatized using non gmo sunflower lecithin.
Increasing number of dairy cows are fed genetically modified grains in feed lots enhanced with hormones and antibiotics to increase milk production. They are also are raised in a confined area. Fortifeye Super Protein is derived from year round grass fed free range New Zealand dairy cows. This protein is free from pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. New Zealand Grass fed cows produce some of the highest quality milk, which contributes to our New Zealand whey protein concentrate.
Fortifeye Vitamins researched the best possible dairy cows to use when developing Fortifeye Super Protein, a non denatured whey protein concentrate. It was concluded that year round grass fed New Zealand dairy cows met that goal. Fortifeye Super Protein is a non denatured whey protein concentrate from grass-fed New Zealand cows. This protein has an all organic flavor system, making both the chocolate and vanilla flavors delicious and ready to mix with any liquid.
An undenatured or non denatured whey protein concentrate from grass-fed New Zealand cows is significantly different from most traditional non pasture raised or partial pastured whey protein concentrates. Grass fed cows will typically have 60% or higher omega 3 content in their milk versus non grass-fed cows milk. This higher content is crucial since the typical diet is pro inflammatory and already too high in omega 6. Drinking a milk protein higher in omega 3 will aid in the nutritional support of your body. Drink to your health.
Grass fed pasture raised cows are much higher in a very important fat called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA has some enormous wellness stimulating properties and positive health benefits. Grass fed pasture raised cows have up to 500% more CLA than non grass-fed cows.
A bioactive non denatured whey protein concentrate like Fortifeye Super Protein is one of the best ways to stimulate the master antioxidant and detoxifier in the body called Glutathione. Non denatured means the protein has not been heated or altered.
Fortifeye uses milk that has been pasteurized for only 15 seconds at 72 degrees celcius . Almost every protein powder you purchase today has been from cows raised in a feed lot fed GMO grains and then pasteurized for over a half hr at temperatures over 200 degrees. This is an inexpensive process that denatures the protein reducing the immunological activity of the protein. Fortifeye is one of a select group of companies that does not alter that natural immune boosting properties thru harsh heat. The key amino acid, cysteine, combines with glutamic acid and glycine to make glutathione. Glutathione levels continuously decline as we age and Glutathione deficiencies are linked to many health problems. Replenishing glutathione levels by consuming a whey protein concentrate is recommended by anti aging doctors all over the world.
Lactoferrin, another key immune boosting component of whey protein, is a globular glycoprotein that has many potential health benefits. New research indicates that lactoferrin may have many positive health benefits. Other relatively new research indicates people with dry eyes may have lower than normal levels of lactoferrin in their tears. Dry eye treatment with lactoferrin? The future of natural dry eye treatment may involve supplementing with a good grass fed whey protein concentrate.
Whey Protein is the fastest, most bioactive form of protein known to man. Whey protein has the highest biological value (BV) of all food grade proteins at a BV of 104. Whey Protein is high in a specific amino acid called leucine, the “Mack Daddy ” amino acid for stimulating muscle synthesis. Whey protein is far superior to casein, soy or any other protein for nutritional support of muscle synthesis.
You can clearly see that the addition of a good non denatured grass fed whey protein concentrate may be beneficial to your overall health and help to promote a healthy strong body. Fortifeye Super Protein, combined with organic fruits and veggies, in a smoothie is a great way to start the morning. To maximize your workouts try a pre-workout drink using Fortifeye Super Protein blended with A2 cows milk, coconut milk or cashew milk, blue berries and a banana and a post recovery workout drink within 30 minutes of training would benefit from a scoop of Fortifeye Super Protein and a wedge or watermelon and some a2 chocolate milk. The ultimate post recovery drink would be one scoop of Fortifeye Super Protein and one scoop of the all new Fortifeye Fit in 10 oz of water in a shaker or quickly blended.
The newest addition to the Fortifeye Family. Fortifeye Fit is available as a pre and post recovery drink. Fortifeye Fit is the fist product in the Fortifeye Performance line of quality products to come.
Fortifeye Fit is a carefully thought out doctor developed new generation sports nutrition supplement that was developed to be used as both a pre-workout and post-workout supplement. This powder was developed using all of the highest quality ingredients with no dyes, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners or carrageenan. All of the latest sports nutrition science was taken into consideration in the development of this formula to enhance muscle synthesis, strength and endurance . The Ten evidence based nutrients that are used in this formula are the highest quality available and are backed by good clinical studies. This supplement uses some of the most advanced nutrients to support mitochondrial health and enhance the production of clean energy called ATP. No stimulants or other nutrients that can cause rapid or irregular heart beat or the “jitters” is used in Fortifeye Fit. The most advanced performance carbohydrate called Cluster Dextrin (Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin) is used to provide a sustained energy source before , during and after exercise. This carbohydrate replenishes muscle glycogen very quickly and has very rapid gastric emptying so it is easy on the stomach. Fortifeye uses one of the most advanced collagen peptides (Solugel) to give nutritional support to the skin, tendons, ligaments and joints. The ratios of these nutrients used are the exact amounts used in clinical studies that support its effectiveness. Many people using Fortifeye Fit report improved strength , muscle tone, energy, endurance and have less pain in their joints. An added bonus is many report significant improvement in skin, hair and nail health (less wrinkles, better hydration and texture to the skin) Fortifeye Fit was developed to give athletes a safe alternative to enhance their workouts and recover much faster through proper nutritional support. Many world class professional and amateur athletes are now including Fortifeye Fit and many of the other Fortifeye Performance Nutrition supplements in their training protocol. Athletes of today are very educated and understand the importance of high quality evidence based all natural and clean supplements. One of the fastest growing groups taking Fortifeye Fit is the aging population. Many people over 60 are concerned about a condition called Sarcopenia. This is a condition that is characterized by the loss of muscle mass and strength as we age. Fortifeye Fit has multiple nutrients that have been studied and are being studied for Sarcopenia. We recommend one scoop half hr prior to working out and one scoop right after working out. You can mix or shake it with water or any beverage of choice. For maximum benefits we also recommend adding one scoop of Fortifeye Super Protein or Fortifeye Grass Fed Whey Protein Isolate to the post workout drink. Isn’t it time you join the Fit Revolution ? Learn more »
The first time I tried Fortifeye Fit, after Dr. Lange had introduced it, I had a surge of energy that bursted out of my body right after I took it. To test it, I stopped using after a week. My energy was not the same. I went back and tried it again 5 minutes before I started my afternoon workout session. Wow, That was amazing. My energy came back the same. I was able to lift more weights without any fatigue or muscles weaknesses. This product is amazing. I am going to keep on taking it from now on. I would gladly recommend it to anyone who wants to build muscles or needs a boost at the gym. I shared it with a few of my friends who are as amazed as I was.
– Milou
Fortifeye Fit Gives Me Energy and Tastes Good
I just wanted to let you know how much I like the Fortifeye fit that you have created. I prefer the strawberry watermelon flavor but the fruit punch is also good. It gives me energy and tastes good without being too sweet and is easy to mix up and use for both pre-and post workout and it is less containers to carry to the gym. I would definitely recommend it to my friends and family.
Fortifeye Vitamins has opening an all new Fortifeye Nutrition Center in Clearwater Florida at Bayside Bridge Shopping Center. This all new Clearwater Nutrition Center is located at 1530 N. McMullen Booth Road Unit D-10. Fortifeye Nutrition center has all of the latest Fortifeye Vitamins and Fortifeye Performance Nutrition line of supplements along with many other brands like Douglas Labs, Designs For Health, Paleo Simplified, Life Extensions, Biopharma and much much more. The new Fortifeye Nutrition Center also has a large section of energy, keto , Paleo and high protein bars and snacks.
DR Michael Lange , host of “ask the Dr” and Sports Nutrition Icon , Doc Hall will often times be at the new store on specific Saturdays to meet and greet customers and discuss the latest in nutrition.
Fortifeye Vitamins researches and develops new Grass Fed Whey Protein Isolate.
Fortifeye Grass Fed Whey Isolate is a non denatured whey protein isolate under the Fortifeye Performance Nutrition label . It is one of the only unflavored, unbleached, undenatured, grass fed, American Cow, micro filtered, cold pasteurized whey protein isolates available. The process of purification, concentration and pasteurization keeps the delicate proteins and amino acids in tact and very bioavailable. The milk has gone thru a cold pasteurization process using 72 degrees Celsius for only 15 seconds this keeps the protein bioavailability and immune boosting properties at the highest level possible. Ultra and micro filtration is used to eliminate fat, cholesterol, casein and lactose without denaturing the protein. Most protein isolates you buy today are from cows fed growth hormone, GMO grain, antibiotics and then pasteurized under high heat for extended periods of time and then acid is used that further denature the protein. Fortifeye Grass Fed Whey Isolate uses the highest quality milk and the very latest most natural technology in the formulation process that preserves the bio availability of the proteins. This protein isolate mixes very easily and completely in a shaker cup and there is no need to use a blender. Fortifeye Grass Fed Whey protein can be used alone or for maximum nutritional support for muscle synthesis should be added to Fortifeye Fit as The ultimate muscle fuel. This protein has zero carbohydrates and zero sugar so perfect for keto or low carb diets!
Want to know where Fortifeye Grass Fed Whey comes from? We want our whey sourced from the best possible environment for the milk cows. Read all about it here in Cows First (pdf)
Fortifeye Vitamins will launch 2 new sports nutrition supplements under the Fortifeye Performance Nutrition label by November 2019 . Fortifeye wanted to develop the ultimate muscle fuel that will be based on the latest evidence based science and have all natural flavor system and sweeteners. There is amazing science proving that the right combination of nutrients will enhance muscle synthesis, muscle growth, strength and endurance . Fortifeye Fit is the first new generation sports nutrition supplement that can be used as both pre and post workout fuel . Fortifeye also developed an extremely pure non denatured whey protein isolate that can be used as a stack in combination with Fortifeye Fit to enhance your workouts that much more. Fortifeye Fit and Fortifeye Grass Fed Whey Isolate were made to be used alone or together to improve the outcomes of your hard work. Coming very soon! Fortifeye calls Fortifeye Fit , the ultimate muscle fuel! Fortifeye has hired Richard (Doc) Hall PHD to be director of the Lange Nutrition Center in Ocala and to help launch the new Fortifeye Performance Nutrition line. Doc Hall is an industry leader in the sports nutrition arena.
Give your body the fuel it thirsts for! Dr Michael Lange has been involved in research and development of a new supplement called Fortifeye Fit for many years. This new powdered supplement will take the very latest in evidence based science in sports nutrition and combine it into one supplement. Fortifeye FIT will be used as a pre, intra and post workout supplement. This supplement is being developed to maximize your training by enhancing muscle synthesis, endurance and strength. This will be all natural with no artificial dyes, sweeteners, flavoring agents or caragenaneen . Fortifeye Fit will be a combination of 10 evidence based nutrients that when combined will give the athlete in the gym or on the court that needed edge. This new generation supplement will enable the user to maximize the benefits of hard training. People will see much faster gains in strength , muscle size and endurance when Fortifeye Fit is combined with training . This supplement will give the nutrients necessary for explosive energy and prolonged energy while reducing recoverytime and enhancing muscle synthesis. Look for availability around end of September 2019. This new supplement will go under the Fortifeye Perfomance Nutrition brand. Fortifeye Grass Fed Whey Isolate Protein is also under development now to be used in conjunction with Fortifeye fit As a Post workout supplement stack. Fortifeye Whey Protein Isolate will be a unique whey protein isolate that has much higher levels of the critical branch chain amino acid s for muscle building . This new generation Grass Fed Whey Protein will be a non denatured grass fed micro filtered whey isolate. A unique patented cold filtration process is utilized to purify and concentrate the grass fed milk without using harsh chemicals or high heat. This keeps the delicate proteins and amino acids intact and much more bio available. This new Protein will work in synergy with the new Fortifeye Fit in aiding muscle synthesis, strength , recovery and endurance. This will be available by September 2019. Now Fortifeye will have 2 Protein options ; Fortifeye Super Protein and Fortifeye Grass Fed Whey Isolate. These combinations will be the ultimate in muscle fuel .
Dr Lange and Zoom Essence worked hard on the flavors of Fortifeye Fit . This was a very difficult task to make this supplement have a good flavor using all natural ingredients. As of late August, 3 flavors Fortifeye are considering for the Fortifeye Fit are Fruit punch , strawberry watermelon and berry flavor.
Fortifeye Super Omega 3 MAX has been developed after years and years of research . This is one of the most potent and purest Re-esterfied Triglyceride Form (rTg) omega 3 fish oils available in the world today. This omega 3 supplement is purified and concentrated in a state of the art facility in Norway . This new technology allows for more EPA and DHA in the same size capsule as the original Fortifeye Super Omega. This new omega 3 max will allow for much better compliance since the high dosage of omega three can be delivered with less capsules . Fortifeye Super Omega MAX will be 50% more potent than Fortifeye Super Omega and retails for only $35 . This new omega is more concentrated and less expensive that most competitors . A lot of new science is proving the need for higher levels of omega 3 both EPA and DHA May be beneficial For our health. Fortifeye super omega 3 Max has 1200 mg of EPA and 900 mg of DHA per dosage!! Start to gain some of the many potential health benefits from the correct form of omega 3 . Order Fortifeye Super Omega Max today. This new formulation of omega 3 is also currently being used by many athletes to aid in post recovery .
Supporting Articles & Publications
Higher levels of omega-3 acids in the blood increases life expectancy by almost five years
A 1% increase in this substance in the blood is associated with a change in mortality risk similar to that of quitting smoking.
Consuming omega-3 fatty acids could prevent asthma, study suggests
New research suggests that a higher dietary intake of long chain omega-3 fatty acids in childhood may reduce the risk of developing subsequent asthma, but only in children carrying a common gene variant.
Authoritative new analysis links increased omega-3 intake to cardioprotection and improved cardiovascular outcomes
Study indicates that EPA and DHA supplementation reduces multiple types of cardiovascular risk
A new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings provides the most comprehensive analysis of the role of omega-3 dosage on cardiovascular prevention to date. The meta-analysis, which is an in-depth review of 40 clinical trials, provides authoritative evidence for consuming more EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) omega-3 fats.
Analysis predicts purified fish oil could prevent thousands of cardiovascular events
Researchers have conducted a statistical analysis that predicts more than 70,000 heart attacks, strokes and other adverse cardiovascular events could be prevented each year in the U.S. through the use of a highly purified fish oil therapy.
Degenerative rotator cuff tears are associated with a low Omega-3 Index
Patients with full thickness degenerative rotator cuff tears had a significantly lower Omega-3 Index than controls without rotator cuff tendinopathy. Whether a lower Omega-3 Index represents an independent risk factor for degenerative rotator cuff tears should be further investigated, e.g. in a longitudinal study.
A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials and Prospective Cohort Studies of Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Coronary Heart Disease Risk
Objective: To conduct meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to estimate the effect of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid (EPAþDHA) on coronary heart disease (CHD), and to conduct meta-analyses of prospective cohort studies to estimate the association between EPAþDHA intake and CHD risk.
Peet,Malcolm; Stokes, Caroline Omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of psychiatric disorders Drugs 2005;65:1051-1059 The importance of omega-3 fatty acids for physical health is now well recognised and there is increasing evidence that omega-3 fatty acids may also be important to mental health. The two main omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have important biological functions in the CNS. DHA is a major structural component of neuronal membranes, and changing the fatty acid composition of neuronal membranes leads to functional changes in the activity of receptors and other proteins embedded in the membrane phospholipid. EPA has important physiological functions that can affect neuronal activity. Epidemiological studies indicate an association between depression and low dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids, and biochemical studies have shown reduced levels of omega-3 fatty acids in red blood cell membranes in both depressive and schizophrenic patients.Five of six double-blind, placebo-controlled trials in schizophrenia, and four of six such trials in depression, have reported therapeutic benefit from omega-3 fatty acids in either the primary or secondary statistical analysis, particularly when EPA is added on to existing psychotropic medication. Individual clinical trials have suggested benefits of EPA treatment in borderline personality disorder and of combined omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid treatment for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. The evidence to date supports the adjunctive use of omega-3 fatty acids in the management of treatment unresponsive depression and schizophrenia. As these conditions are associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus, omega- 3 fatty acids should also benefit the physical state of these patients. However, as the clinical research evidence is preliminary, large, and definitive randomised controlled trials similar to those required for the licensing of any new pharmacological treatment are needed
People with DES complains most frequently of a scratchy or foreign body sensation. Redness, pain, itching, inability to produce tears, light sensitivity, and blurred vision with difficulty driving after dark are common symptoms. The symptoms are located mainly to the pain sensitive cornea.
Recent animal experiments have demonstrated that DES is not exclusively a disease located to the cornea since inflammatory cells and immunological chemical mediators were found in the tear fluid. Since cornea does not contain tissue engaged in an inflammatory process the lacrimal gland and the conjunctiva have to participate in the syndrome even though symptoms relate to cornea.
A number of controlled clinical studies have been published where these fatty acids have been given in a placebo-controlled design. Rahul Bhargava and colleagues (1) included 264 DES subjects given 1g daily of marine omega3 fatty acids mainly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and compared effects on symptoms, tear production and corneal cell integrity. A large control group of 254 individuals were given matching placebo. After three months, there was a significant reduction in symptom score in the omega3 group along with improvement in tear production and corneal cell integrity. Kawatita K et al (2) included 27 DES patients in a study providing half of the group with a product containing 1.3g of EPA and 0,5 g of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) daily for 12 weeks. Symptoms were significantly reduced in the intervention group.
Kangari H and collaborators included sixty-four patients with dry eye symptoms (3). The subjects were randomized into two groups: 33 persons in the treatment group given 2 capsules of omega-3 (each containing 180 mg EPA and 120 mg DHA and 31 persons in the placebo group. The tear break-up time (TBUT), Schirmer’s score, and Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) were measured 1 month after the intervention. Repeated-measures analysis of variance showed that improvements in TBUT, OSDI, and Schirmer’s scores were significantly better in the treatment group than in the placebo group. The changes in the treatment and placebo groups were 71% and 3.3% for TBUT (P<0.001), 26% and 4% (P=0.004) for dry eye symptoms, and 22.3% and 5.1% for Schirmer’s score (P=0.033), respectively. In conclusion, his study demonstrated that omega-3 fatty acids for 30 days was associated with a decrease in the rate of tear evaporation, an improvement in dry eye symptoms, and an increase in tear secretion.
In another study by Bhargava R and Kumar P 496 contact lens carriers with DES were randomly allocated to treatment with marine omega3 fatty acids (0.6g daily) or placebo for six months (4). The study demonstrated a significant improvement in dry eye symptoms and an increase in tear secretion in the omega3 treated group. The Bhargava group included 428 computer workers with DES in another study (5). Half the group were given the same dose of omega3 fatty acids as in study 7. The rest were provided with matching placebo capsules and followed for three months. There was a significant improvement in symptoms followed by increased tear production in the active treatment group. A recent study by Bhargava R and collaborators evaluated the effect of higher omega 3 fatty acid dose than in their previous studies namely 2,400 mg/day for 45 days on dry eye symptoms, tear production, stability, and conjunctival cytology in young and middle-aged visual display terminal (VDT) users (6). It was a randomized, double-blind, interventional study where 256 VDT users were randomized to receive omega-3 while 266 subjects received matching placebo capsules. Patients were evaluated at baseline, 30 days, and 45 days. The primary outcome measure was an improvement in dry eye symptoms. Secondary outcome measures were improvement in the Nelson grade on conjunctival impression cytology, Schirmer test values, and tear film breakup time (TBUT). In the omega3 group, the mean symptom score differed significantly between active treatment and placebo (P<0.005) as did the TBUT and Nelson grade evaluation. Schirmer test values did not differ significantly after adjustment for multiple comparisons. Consumption of 2,400 mg/day of O3FA supplement improved symptoms, tear stability, and conjunctival cytology but not tear production in symptomatic VDT users.
In a meta-analysis of published studies using a randomized, placebo-controlled design, Liu A and Yi J included a total of 790 participants in seven independent studies published between 2007 and 2013 (8). The authors concluded that based on the experience from these studies Omega3 fatty acid seemed to offer an effective therapy for DES.
Bhargava R, Kumar P, Kumar M, et al.A randomized controlled trial of omega-3 fatty acids in dry eye syndrome. International journal of ophthalmology 2013;6(6): 811-816
Kawakita T, Kawabata F, Tsuji T et al. Effects of dietary supplementation with fish oil on dry eye syndrome subjects: randomized controlled trial. Biomedical research 2013;34(5):215-220
Kangari H, Eftekhari MH, Sardari S et al. Short-term consumption of oral omega-3 and dry eye syndrome. Ophthalmology 2013;120(11):2191-2196
Bhargava R and Kumar P. Oral omega-3 fatty acid treatment for dry eye in contact lens wearers. Cornea 2015;34(4):413-420
Bhargava R, Kumar P, Phogat H et al. Oral omega-3 fatty acids treatment in computer vision syndrome related dry eye. Contact lens & anterior eye 2015;38(3):206-210
Bhargava R, Kumar P, and Arora Y. Short-Term Omega 3 Fatty Acids Treatment for Dry Eye in Young and Middle-Aged Visual Display Terminal Users. Eye & contact lens 2016;42: 231-236
The Dry Eye Assessment and Management Study Research Group. n−3 Fatty Acid Supplementation for the Treatment of Dry Eye Disease; The DREAM study. New England J of Med 2018 April 13.
Liu A and Ji J. Omega-3 essential fatty acids therapy for dry eye syndrome: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. Medical science monitor 2014;20:1583-1589
Article below posted on the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition website.
Association of blood levels of marine omega-3 fatty acids with coronary calcification and calcium density in Japanese men
Clinical trials of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) among high-risk groups in Japan in which consumption of mairne-omega-3 fatty acids (OM3) is much higher than other countries showed slower progression of coronary atherosclerosis. We aimed to determine the cross-sectional associations of coronary artery calcification (CAC) and calcium density with OM3, EPA, and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), two principal OM3, in the general population in Japan.
Black Currant oil is very high in an essential fatty acid called GLA ( gamma-linolenic acid). GLA is very difficult to get in the typical diet. GLA is a natural anti inflammatory that also promotes healthy skin, hair and nails. GLA also supports normal blood flow and a healthy immune system. Black Currant oil is also high in Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) a plant based omega 3. Fortifeye Black Currant Oil has 140mg of GLA in each gel cap!
There is science based evidence that GLA a derivative of Omega 6 has potential positive benefits for the dry eye patient. Doctors have used 140mg of GLA combined with Omega 3 with great success in dry eye clinics.
Dr. Michael Lange and Dr. Karen Hecht discuss the amazing health benefits of a super carotenoid called astaxanthin.
Plastic Frame with Blue Light Shield Lens with Anti-Reflective/Scratch coating.(2 year 1x replacement warranty). For more information on making this into “readers” or specific prescription please contact Fortifeye Sales at 866-503-9746.
Plastic Frame with Blue Light Shield Lens with Anti-Reflective/Scratch coating.(2 year 1x replacement warranty). For more information on making this into “readers” or specific prescription please contact Fortifeye Sales at 866-503-9746.
Plastic Frame with Blue Light Shield Lens with Anti-Reflective/Scratch coating.(2 year 1x replacement warranty). For more information on making this into “readers” or specific prescription please contact Fortifeye Sales at 866-503-9746.
Plastic Frame with Blue Light Shield Lens with Anti-Reflective/Scratch coating.(2 year 1x replacement warranty). For more information on making this into “readers” or specific prescription please contact Fortifeye Sales at 866-503-9746.
Plastic Frame with Blue Light Shield Lens with Anti-Reflective/Scratch coating.(2 year 1x replacement warranty). For more information on making this into “readers” or specific prescription please contact Fortifeye Sales at 866-503-9746.
Plastic Frame with Blue Light Shield Lens with Anti-Reflective/Scratch coating.(2 year 1x replacement warranty). For more information on making this into “readers” or specific prescription please contact Fortifeye Sales at 866-503-9746.
Plastic Frame with Blue Light Shield Lens with Anti-Reflective/Scratch coating.(2 year 1x replacement warranty). For more information on making this into “readers” or specific prescription please contact Fortifeye Sales at 866-503-9746.
Plastic Frame with Blue Light Shield Lens with Anti-Reflective/Scratch coating.(2 year 1x replacement warranty). For more information on making this into “readers” or specific prescription please contact Fortifeye Sales at 866-503-9746.
Plastic Frame with Blue Light Shield Lens with Anti-Reflective/Scratch coating.(2 year 1x replacement warranty). For more information on making this into “readers” or specific prescription please contact Fortifeye Sales at 866-503-9746.
Plastic Frame with Blue Light Shield Lens with Anti-Reflective/Scratch coating.(2 year 1x replacement warranty). For more information on making this into “readers” or specific prescription please contact Fortifeye Sales at 866-503-9746.
My testimony makes me a believer in the “Grace of God.”
I pray that what I am about to write will touch and medicate you heart as much as it did mine.
I first became aware of Dr. Michael Lange and his clinic thru some information on the internet. I e-mailed him, and something I said in that e-mail, prompted him to call me on his way home after work. We talked until he arrived home and, it seemed like it was quite a while. How rare it is to find ANY Dr. that would do that. The Grace of God, ” again!!
I told Dr. Lange that I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration on Aug. 14, 2008. The education and instructions he gave me, after that, began my blessed experience with him and with Lange Eye Institute since Dec. 19, 2011.
The best and most secure way to know you are getting the right treatment for the most valuable and precious part of our body that God gave us. “OUR EYES,”
you must have someone like Dr. Lange treating you. WHY???
1. To have the best knowledge, education, and wisdom to treat you…..
2. A genuine compassion for his patients….
3. To see the full fruition of his labors to become a Dr., fulfilled in the healing
and help of his patients….for whom he really cares…..
4. Here is a really good one. I DO NOT care what time of day or night it is,
you e-mail him and he answers almost before you click “send.” Hahaha
I may have e-mailed a little too much, but, he never made me feel as tho
I did…..
5. He practices what he preaches. He takes good care of himself outdoors
and indoors. He does not ask you to do what he won’t !
6. All of the info he has on his products, diet, what to drink, booklets on
his products that are easy to pass around to help others, and information
of which you can make copies and have them handy anywhere. The copies
of foods to eat, I have one in my glove compartment of my car, so when I
go to the store and forget…..don’t laugh !
7. The education on his web sight is Awesome !! No excuse for not being
Are your eyes crying for attention?
then Dr Michael Lange is the one I would mention…..
If you can possibly find anyone better….
I want to know…Just send me a letter….
At his clinic you will find it all….
Just pick up the phone and give him a call !!!
Fortifeye Vitamins have developed a new whey protein concentrate (WPC) called Fortifeye Super Protein. Fortifeye has been involved in numerous nutritional studies using the latest in dietary changes and supplementation for age related macular degeneration. They noticed that one of the biggest nutritional deficiencies in his patients when doing intracellular blood tests was Glutathione.
Glutathione is the “master antioxidant ” in the body responsible for many biological processes in life. One of the best ways to stimulate glutathione is by consuming a good non denatured or undenatured whey protein concentrate. Fortifeye of course wanted the best quality highest bio available protein . Fortifeye Super Protein is a non denatured whey protein concentrate from grass fed New Zealand Pasture raised cows. These free range cows graze year round on grass free from gmos and pesticide. The protein has not been denatured with high heat or acid and is free of gluten, wheat, soy, corn , pesticides, antibiotics and hormones.
Fortifeye Super Protein can be used as a pre workout and post workout smoothie to help gain muscle mass and loose body fat. When blended together with specific fruits and vegetables Fortifeye Super Protein can be used as a meal replacement.
Fortifeye Vitamins now has genotype-directed nutritional therapy for macular degeneration patients by following all of the studies related to nutrition, DNA and Macular degeneration very closely.
Fortifeye Vitamins most recent addition is a zinc free antioxidant eye vitamin for macular degeneration patients in response to new science recently published. The latest studies suggest that a percentage of the population with specific genotypes that have macular degeneration may actually be harmed by taking high dosage of zinc yet some may benefit from taking zinc and antioxidants.
Increased levels of lutein and zeaxanthin are associated with a whopping 40% reduced risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD), according to researchers from Harvard and Brown.
Vitamin D has been extensively researched for its benefits in bone health, cancer, inflammation, and the immune system. A new study published in JAMA Ophthalmology last week found that Vitamin D may be a critical player in eye health in the prevention of age-related macular degeneration, specifically among women who are genetically susceptible. This may have to do with its role in inflammation, which is believed to be involved in the development of macular degeneration.
Macular degeneration is characterized by the deterioration of the macula, which is a small part of the retina where the eye’s photoreceptors are most concentrated. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss, more than cataracts and glaucoma combined.
In this study, the research team found that women who have a vitamin D deficiency and a specific high-risk genotype are 6.7 times more likely to develop age-related macular degeneration than women with sufficient vitamin D levels and no high risk genotype. Continue reading →
I purchased the plus 2 readers using the Blue light Defense lens! I was kind of skeptical at first but oh my goodness was I surprised at the difference. I don’t feel the “heat” coming from the computer screen that I work in front of all day and I really am dreaming again. It’s truly amazing. I’m really glad I invested in the blue light defense lenses. Thank you Dr. Lange. I am Looking forward to the new protein drink!! Charlie G. Gainesville
Questions please contact Fortifeye customer service 866-503-9746
Fortifeye’s goal with Fortifeye Macular Defense was to develop a science based all in one supplement. Patients would not have to have numerous bottles and boxes scattered about and be concerned about sterility, cost and compliance. Fortifeye Macular Defense is a cost effective Nutraceutical bringing the very latest in nutrition for total body wellness and vision support. Fortifeye Macular Defense is a more powerful version of Fortifeye Complete with higher levels of specific nutrients to support retinal health especially in the macular degenerative patient.
Vegan Formula for a healthy Gastrointestinal, Immune & Visual System.
Taking a high quality enzyme supplement, like Fortifeye Digestive Enzymes, will ensure your meal is properly digested. The focus of your body is no longer simply on digestion, but also on absorbing nutrients as the enzymes begin to work systemically—through the blood, which feeds every organ in your entire body.
Formerly Fortifeye AREDS2 PLUS with Resveratrol and Astaxanthin (60 Vegetarian Capsules)
Suggested Usage: Take (2) Capsules daily with food or as directed by your physician.Fortifeye’s Advanced Retina Formula prompted by the National Eye Institute (NEI) Age Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2): the nutritional supplement called AREDS2 formulation can reduce the risk of developing advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD). if you are high risk for developing AMD, you should consider taking the antioxidant zinc combinations in AREDS2.
Fortifeye AREDSII PLUS ( new name is Advanced Retina Formula) is all natural without the use of synthetic dyes and nutrients. This formula contains natural vitamin E, uses a more bio-available safer level of zinc and has utilized two super nutrients Astaxanthin and Resveratrol. These two nutrients are potent antioxidants and powerful anti-inflammatories. Many studies have validated the positive benefits these nutrients obtain for both Total body wellness and Ocular health. All of these nutrients are in a non dye vegetable capsule. Fortifeye has once again provided the latest evidence based nutrients for you. Optometrists and Ophthalmologists all over the world are recommending Fortifeye AREDS II plus ( Advanced Retina Formula) to their patients.
Suggested Usage: Take (2) Capsules daily with food or as directed by your physician.
Vegan Formula for Healthy Gastrointestinal, Immune and Visual System Fortifeye Probiotic Bacteria is a blend of (15) separate and unique strains of bacteria designed to restore balance to the lower intestinal tract.
Fortifeye has utilized the purest quality cultured strains of beneficial bacteria. They are then blended with energized co-factors to further enhance their performance.
Questions: please contact Fortifeye customer service 866-503-9746
Fortifeye’s goal with Fortifeye Complete: To develop a science based all in one supplement. Patients would not have to have numerous bottles and boxes scattered about and be concerned about sterility, cost and compliance. Fortifeye Complete is a cost effective Nutraceutical bringing the very latest in nutrition for total body wellness and vision support. Thousands of patients throughout the world are taking the Fortifeye Vitamins with great results.
Fortifeye Blue Green Superfood
We are all on the go in today’s fast paced society and eat fast food and overly processed foods for convenience. Fortifeye Organic Blue Green Superfood is the nutritional supplement equivalent to 10-12
servings of 100% organically grown fruits and vegetables in one scoop. This formula is IBS friendly.
Fortifeye Super Protein
Fortifeye Super Protein is a non-denatured unbleached whey protein concentrate from grass fed New Zealand cows. Certified no pesticide, hormones, or antibiotic are used with these cows.
Blue light from the sun is good but blue light at night from artificial sources is bad!
Blue Light Defenseis one of the biggest technological advancements in lens technology to come about this century. Science has now proven that the High intensity visible light or the blue light is some of the most harmful to our eyes and entire body. This is specifically the wave lengths between 400-450 nm. This light is emitted from televisions, tablets , computers, lap tops, Smart phones, LED and Fluorescent lighting just to mention a few. The frequency of light in the blue-violet range has been implicated in macular degeneration.
It is crucial to block this man made blue light with specific filters in the lenses that are worn in spectacles, However until recently all blue filtering lenses had to have a yellow color or a purple hue to them. Lange Eye Care was the first in the country to utilize a new technology that filters the blue light using a clear high index lens. This lens is called Blue Light Defense and can be made into single vision or progressive lenses. Dr Lange states this is the future of eye care, “Prevention”. Lange Eye Care recommends everyone at any age to wear Blue Light Defense lenses.
Dr Lange states this is especially crucial for the children that are using lap tops, tablets, smart phones and computers all day long. Now a lens exists that will help to filter the potentially harmful blue-violet rays of light. Why wouldn’t everyone want this lens??
Blue Light Defense is the way to go. Lange Eye Care has joined with Fortifeye Vitamins in offering 12 different styles for adults and children, they do not have an RX this is a Plano blue light defense lens/ frame combo for $150. Perfect for contact lens wearers, children or people who do not wear glasses and is the hottest topic in ophthalmic industry right now. Many are coming out with their version which can be inexpensive However, If u take a blue laser it will not go thru the Blue Light Defense lens but will go thru most others, it is very important to get the proper Blue Light filtering lens that work!
Dr Michael Lange discusses Proper Digestion for good ocular health and overall health
Proper digestion is crucial for good ocular health as well as overall health discussed by Dr Michael Lange
When the food you consume on a daily basis is not digested well then the absorption of the nutrients is limited. As we age our digestion can stop working at its peak level and then our overall health can suffer. Many things can interfere with the natural digestive enzymes and natural bacteria in our digestive system and this can result in all sorts of conditions. Diet is often times the culprit for digestive issues. Todays diets are caloric dense and nutrient deficient. These foods are overly processed, genetically modified , filled with pesticide, antibiotics, hormones, nitrites , nitrates, sugar, dyes, artificial sweeteners and preservatives. All of this can cause enormous stress on the digestive system. Millions of people are plagued daily with food allergies, constipation, diarrhea, gas, acid reflux, heart burn, bloating, cramping and low energy . All of these can be related to poor digestion.
Blue Light may be harmful to your eyes and your entire body
Blue light from the sun is good but blue light at night from artificial sources is bad.
Dr Michael Lange founder of Lange Eye Care and Associates and Fortifeye Vitamins discusses how Blue light may be harmful to the eyes and entire body. 11/12/14
The High energy visible ( HEV) spectrum from about 380-500 nm is the blue light. This blue light is very important to our health during the day time. This blue light is responsible for us being alert, full of energy and cognitively functioning well during the day. However when it gets dark blue light can hinder us. Blue light is not only out doors it is found indoors as well. Many of the day-to-day items that we use like television, computers, tablets , cell phones and indoor lighting emit this blue light. New Research is implicating Blue light exposure in the evening causing suppression of melatonin. Melatonin is an antioxidant responsible for a good nights sleep and good health.
Dr. Michael Lange is an Optometric Physician and a Certified Nutrition Specialist, he is the founder of Lange Eye Care and Associates and The Lange Eye Institute. He is involved in nutritional research and is the founder of Fortifeye Vitamins. Dr Lange is a syndicated talk show host of “Ask The Dr” non stop since April 1993. This talk show is a live call in show dedicated to educating the listeners about the latest in eye care and nutrition.
Dr Michael Lange says to eat lots of colorful organically grown fruits and vegetables
1. Proper Diet is crucial! I recommend a modified organic gluten free paleo diet. The largest portion of your meal should be vegetables , then fruit and then a good organically raised source of protein like eggs, chicken, turkey, wild cold water fish , grass fed bison or beef. Stay away form all processed, canned, frozen foods. Drink plenty of spring water and stay away from distilled or reverse osmosis water. I dont like these type of purified waters because the minearls are leached out and they are very acidic. However if u have an RO system you can make the water healthy water Continue reading →
Blepharitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the eye lid margins. Dr Michael Lange says this condition can be very mild and symptomless or marked with severe symptoms. Blepharitis is a combination of scaly, flakey, red , swollen, crusty, greasy eye lids. Patients with blepharitis are more likely to experience eyes that burn, tear, feel sandy and gritty these patents often times wake up in the am with their eyes matted together. Blepharitis also increases the risk of a sty or chalazion forming on the lid margins. Many of these patients will also loose lashes along the lid margins.
Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of legal blindness in the U.S. in the over 55 age group, said Dr. Michael Lange. There are over two million people that are vision impaired from macular degeneration. It is estimated that over three million people will have Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) by 2020.
Macular degeneration is a medical condition that causes degeneration of the central part of the retina, called the macula. The macula is a small Continue reading →
Anyone looking for GREAT lid hygiene read this!!!! I found out “Ocusoft Baby” wipes have the IDENTICALingredients(at less cost)as Ocusoft Plus wipes. I am so excited about this I have to tell my experience since using them in place of Ocusoft Plus or regular wipes & the differences I find between the products:
Ocusoft Baby has very…very “large” wipes (almost like a real baby wipe) they are not the small square wipes that you have to cut in half to save cost, they are extremely soft! not gritty yet still Continue reading →
Dr Michael Lange has been involved in nutritonal research for Macular Degeneration for many years and has been developing a system of proper nutrition based on age, weight, disease level and DNA. The ultimate goal is to help the ocular health and total health of his patients. Proper nutrition is only one piece of the puzzle that is extremely important in managing macular degeneration patients. Dr Lange and many other Doctors are now utilizing DNA testing to help them gauge the potential severity of the macular degeneration and to determine if zinc is good or bad for the ARMD patient. This helps the optometrist or ophthalmologist cutomize the patients diet and supplements. The DNA testing also helps the doctor in determining how often a particular patient should be seen and what Continue reading →
Calcium as MCHC with Ipriflavone, vitamins, minerals. by Douglas Labs
Osteo-Guard® Plus Ipriflavone combines ipriflavone, a flavonoid, with calcium from microcrystalline calcium hydroxyapatite compound (MCHC) prepared from whole bone, and magnesium from amino acid chelate with excellent bioavailability. Osteo-Guard® Plus Ipriflavone also provides phosphorus (as microcrystalline hydroxyapatite), trace minerals, bone matrix proteins, amino acids, and glycosaminoglycans.
Recent studies in laboratories and clinical studies have shown Ipriflavone has a positive effect on bone density, increases bone resorption, and encourages formation of new bone cells. Per Douglas Laboratories, this product is a useful dietary supplement for anyone who wishes to increase intake of calcium and magnesium to promote and maintain good bone health. It is generally accepted that those who have a good enough intake of Calcium throughout life can significantly reduce the risk of development of Osteoporosis.
We offer a range of Douglas Lab products! Call in to special order any Douglas Lab products you may need! (866) 503-9746!
Some say the eyes are the first thing to go, but optometrist and certified nutrition specialist Michael Lange OD says they don’t have to be. One of the biggest factors leading to Age Related Macular Degeneration, which is a leading cause of reduced eyesight among people of advanced age, is a lack of necessary vitamins and minerals. He therefore stresses that getting the right vitamins is essential to slowing the aging of the eye and keeping eyesight
Florida eye Dr. Michael Lange noticed that typical vitamins and omega three supplements that were available over the counter were missing something for both eye and overall health. Due to this discrepancy, he founded Fortify Vitamin in 2005. Since its inception, Lange established a line of vitamins for both eye and overall body health called Fortifeye Vitamins, which are now one of the top choices of health care providers all over the world. This has led Lange to develop unique supplements that aim to increase the health of one’s eye as well as contributing to total body health.
Dr. Michael Lange says that dry eye ranks among the most common complaints of patients coming in for optometry appointments. This condition is due to an insufficient amount of tears in the eyes, which are necessary for eye health for many reasons. They provide lubrication and nourishment which maintain the health of the front surface of the eye and also provide clear vision. Dry eye drains the eye of these important components, and often lessens the quality of the tears that are left.
Dr. Michael Lange recommends Omega-3 fish oil supplements for dry eyes and total eye care, as well as overall body health. Omega-3 fish oils produce significant health benefits for patients with many different conditions. Dr. Lange, who focuses on the health of the eye, has produced a system of supplements that provide total body health, along with the best eye care available. He recommends that patients avoid ethyl ester versions of Omega-3, as the triglyceride versions with high levels of EPA and DHA are the best on the market.
Dr. Michael Lange is an expert optometrist and certified nutrition specialist who is constantly searching for ways to bring better health to his patients. His latest products include Macula Defense supplements which are developed from the latest breakthroughs in nutritional science. The formulas that make up these supplements aid in the body’s defense against free radicals, and the damage they can produce within the body and the eyes.
Dr. Michael Lange in front of Lange Eye Institute in The Villages Florida
At some point in their lives, says Dr. Michael Lange, everyone will experience the discomfort of having dry, irritated eyes. Depending on the individual, the resulting symptoms of dry eye can range from mildly annoying to downright debilitating, putting the overall ocular health of the individual in danger.
New Study reveals that men suffering from prostate cancer who took fish oil supplements alongside a low-fat diet demonstrated changes in their cancer tissue that may indicate reduced cancer aggression. CCP scores were significantly lower in the prostae cancer men who were on a low fat fish oil diet. Lowering of CCP score may help prevent prostate cancer from being more agressive. Learn more here:
Fortifeye Vitamins has followed all of the studies related to nutrition, DNA and Macular degeneration very closely.
They now have genotype-directed supplements for macular degeneration.
Fortifeye Vitamins most recent addition is a zinc free antioxidant eye vitamin for macular degeneration patients in response to new science recently published. The latest studies suggest that a percentage of the population with specific genotypes that have macular degeneration may actually be harmed by taking zinc yet some may benefit from taking zinc and antioxidants.
Michael Lange OD, CNS founder of Lange Eye Care and The Lange Eye Institute has used natural approaches to improve Meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eyes since 1992 with great success. Dr. Lange discusses the protocol he uses for dry eye and Meibomian gland problem patients.
Natural therapy for meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eye is a combination of proper lid hygiene, good diet, plenty of hydration, correct ratio of supplements and proper lubricating eye drops. Blepharitis a condition that causes the eye lids to become inflamed and crusty secondarily to a host of pathogens. Meibomian gland dysfunction is when small glands along the lower and upper lid margins become blocked and inflamed. These conditions can lead to lid infections, dry eyes and permanent vision loss if proper treatment isn’t initiated. The eye lids accumulate lots of bacteria, viral flora, antigens. mold, fungus and parasites so it is crucial that the lids are cleaned properly. Dr. Lange recommends seeing your local optometrist or ophthalmologist to determine if you have blepharitis and if so what kind??
Most mild forms of blepharitis can be controlled with a special lid scrub foam like Ocusoft Plus. Moderate forms of blepharitis will need Ocusoft Platinum foam or Oasis Hypochlorus eye lid spray However, some forms of blepharitis are related to a parasite called demodex. If demodex is in the lashes and the hair follicles then traditional lid scrubs will not help . Dr. Lange recommends use of a commercially available product called Ocusoft Demodex Cleanser to treat this type of demodex condition. The combination of lid scrubs will get most forms of blepharitis under control within one to two months. However if this condition does not respond to this therapy then a topical and sometimes oral medication may be prescribed.
Dr. Lange recommends using hot compresses two to three times a day for ten minutes with gentle massage of the lid margins. This will help to liquify the clogged meibomian glands and allow the outer lipid layer of the tear film to be healthy. A patient can use a warm wash cloth for this but the simplest and most effective way to heat up the meibomian glands is to use a Bruder eye hydrating Mask, this mask retails for $25 and last for years. The combination of hot compresses and lid scrubs will open up the meibomian glands and allow a much healthier secretion of tears resulting in improved dry eye symptomology.
Michael Lange OD, CNS also states that an over haul in the typical American diet is crucial for dry eye patients. Most Americans are eating a highly refined and overly processed diet very high in omega 6. He recommends patients adapt an all organic, gluten free diet. He has developed a diet called “The Lange Survival Diet”. This is an anti inflammatory diet that helps the body detoxify. The typical American diet is pro inflammatory and is one of the reasons we have so much inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a root cause of dry eyes. Natural treatment of dry eyes starts with adjustment in the diet. Michael Lange OD sees many patients with meibomian gland dysfunction improve dramatically with just an improvement in diet.
Most Americans are dehydrated! Dehydration is also a major contributing factor to dry eyes. Michael Lange OD, CNS preaches on his syndicated radio show and to his patients to drink half your body weight in spring water. Drink spring water, or Watt-Ahh water not distilled water or reverse osmosis water. Spring water is high in minerals and relatively alkaline. Reverse osmosis and distilled water is acidic and mineral free. In theory if a patient drinks a lot of distilled water or reverse osmosis water then due to the laws of osmosis the minerals in the body can be leached out causing mineral deficiency in the body. This can aggravate a dry eye condition.
Dr Lange also recommends drinking 1-2 glasses of coconut water a day to gain some valuable minerals like magnesium and potassium.
One cup of coffee a day may be beneficial for dry eyes however more than one cup becomes a diuretic.To counter effect the coffee one must drink three additional cups of water for every cup of coffee. Nutritional supplements for dry eyes and blocked meibomian glands are becoming the gold standard because they work.
Dr Michael Lange has also been adding a non denatured whey protein concentrate from grass fed New Zealand or American cows to all of his dry eye patients. This type of protein is very high in covalent bonded cysteine, CLA and lactoferrin. Blending one scoop of this form of protein along with either spring water, coconut water, coconut milk, goats milk , A2 cows milk or hemp milk in a smoothie is a great way to get theses valuable dry eye nutrients. This can also be used as a meal replacement to help with weight management. Fortifeye Vitamins has a delicious non denatured whey protein concentrate from New Zealand grass fed cows called Fortifeye Super Protein. The best deal on a whey protein is the Fortifeye Grass Fed Whey Isolate in a bag at only $59 for 60 servings. This whey isolate is also non denatured and comes form American grass fed cows.
Dr. Lange recommends 1600- 2400 mg of triglyceride form omega 3 fish oil daily for anyone under 240lbs. If you are over 240 lbs then higher amounts of triglyceride form omega 3 fish oil is recommended. The addition of 6 mg of a super carotenoid called astaxanthin can be taken with omega 3 fish oil. Astaxanthin is one of the most potent natural anti inflammatory/ antioxidant nutrients. Astaxanthin helps to reduce eye strain , improve focusing ability of the eye and reduce eye fatigue associated with prolonged near point or computer work. Astaxanthin helps control oxidative stress and inflammation. Many new studies are proving astaxanthin is beneficial for dry eyes. The combination of 1600 mg -2400mg of omega 3 and 6 mg of astaxanthin has seen reduction in dry and tired eye symptoms. Michael Lange OD, CNS is the formulator of three specific supplements he developed for Dry Tired eyes: Fortifeye Super Omega has 1600mg of TG form Omega 3 , Fortfeye Super Omega 3 Max with 2400 mg of TG form Omeg 3 and Fortifeye Focus has 6mg of astaxanthin, 10 mg of lutein and 2 mg of zeaxanthin isomers. Learn more at . Astaxanthin also has some other great evidence based health benefits; acting as a natural sun screen, minimizes fine lines and wrinkles in the face, astaxanthin improves choroidal circulation, lowers CRP and cholesterol, improves muscle endurance and muscle recovery and has a very high ORAC value so great at quenching free radicals. Wild Alaskan Salmon is a power food because it has both omega 3 in the triglyceride form and astaxanthin. The combination of Fortifeye Super Omega Or Super Omega 3 Max and Fortifeye Focus seems to improve the quality of tear film that is secreted . Patients also report this combination seems to help lower inflammation in the entire body . Its maximum effect takes three to four months but many people notice some improvement in two weeks. One last nutrient that has some benefit for dry eyes is GLA. However the ratio of GLA is crucial if its going to work. GLA is an omega 6 and if too much is taken it will increase inflammation in the body. GLA from black currant seed oil seems to work the best due to the fact that it has ALA (vegetable source of omega 3 ) as well as GLA. Dr. Lange has tried many different combinations of GLA and Omega 3 in extremely busy dry eye practices in Florida and has come to the conclusion that a ratio of close to 10-1 omega 3 to GLA is ideal natural therapy for dry eyes. For dry eye benefits he recommends 130-160mg of GLA to 1600-2400 mg of omega 3. Michael Lange OD, CNS says the triple whammy for natural dry eye treatment is Fortifeye Super Omega 2 -4 per day depending on weight, 1 Fortifeye Focus, and 1 Fortifeye Black Currant oil/ GLA. This combination has been bundled together and is called Fortifeye Advanced Dry Eye Therapy: Doctors all over the globe are recommending this new dry eye supplement to their patients with positive results
The final part to natural treatment of dry eyes is to add a good lubricating eye drop. Michael Lange OD, CNS likes to use preservative free lubricating eye drops if they are going to be used more than two times a day. Optase, Oasis tears , Oasis tears plus, Retaine MGD and Fresh Kote are four lubricating eye drops Dr Lange uses on most of his patients. He likes Oasis and Optase because it has a form of hyaluranic acid that helps eliminate dry eye symptoms longer than most OTC artificial tears. Often times in very dry eyes related to meibomian gland dysfunction he will add Retaine MGD preservative free drops along with Oasis, Optase or Fresh Kote to get broader coverage. In summary , when a combination of proper lid hygiene, diet, hydration, correct supplements and good artificial tears are used many dry eye conditions that are a result of blepharitis and meibomian gland dysfunction will start to improve. Patients with dry eyes have come from all over the country to The Lange Eye Institute in The Villages Florida to learn more about natural treatment for dry eyes. Learn more about Lange Eye Care at and learn more about all the products discussed in this article at to order or get more information on Dry Eye Nutrition u can call 866 503 9746 . You can also learn more about Dr Michael Lange at
Dr. Lange, I love the pace of your radio program Ask the Dr! I deliver flowers.. and listen to 1250 mostly.. so I hear Duke & Doc, Bob Marshall, Bittiker, Garco, and YOU.. You’re the BEST in every way.. content, useful info.. pace.. Pace is so important. You’re so SWEET and patient with the callers .. but again.. TIME is precious and you have so much knowlege to share. Keep up your GREAT work. I wish you were on the air more often. By the way: I dont ever mind re-hearing your previous Saturday show on the next Friday 🙂
Over the last year, I had been having problems with my eyes; those being of extreme dryness, blurriness, and a consistent worsening of my eyesight.
I was actually leery of going to have my eyes checked just out of fear of what I may learn, (which is not the answer). I had been seeing Fortifeye products and decided to order online, at a ridiculously low price.
Within the first 10 Days, my eyes began ‘seeing’ immediate results. The dryness has almost totally disappeared. I can actually see without my glasses, sometimes even better without them. They are not itching and burning as before. The best part is that I can not only read and work on the computer much better, but I can also see better to drive at night.
I can only say Fortifeye is a blessing not to mention an absolute miracle; I truly believe a product that can save eyesight around the globe. I have never known of any other product on the market that can do what Fortifeye has done for me and my eyesight.
May God grace you Dr. Michael Lange with many blessings in which to continue your good work.
I can honestly say, my dry eyes have been doing so much better now that I have been taking Fortifeye and following Dr. Lange’s Dry eye steps. I am taking Fortifeye One-Per-Day Multivitamin, Fortifeye Super Omega-3 Fish oil, Retaine MGD along with Oasis Tears Plus. Words can not express how relieved and thankful I am! I’m looking forward to and will keep following Dr. Lange’s Dry eye remedies!
Omega-3 & Prostate Cancer Risk? Frenzy in the media!! By Michael Lange OD, CNS 7/16/13. Recently the media has created a frenzy of alarming headlines attempting to link omega-3 to prostate cancer. This data was derived from questionable follow up data derived from a 2011 study called the “SELECT” Study. This study was developed to analyze selenium and vitamin E on prostate cancer it was not a study designed to look at omega-3 from supplements or diet. Continue reading →
AquaNew’s Watt-Ahh® or “Polarized Water” is different at its molecular basis and – consequently – in its own exclusive category when compared to other types of water. The stable dioxytetrahydride molecule (two co-valent bonded oxygen and four hydrogen) is a crystalline-like structure enriched with electrons. Negatively charged electrons (or polarization) reduce surface tension and clustering of water molecules for cellular absorption and in preventing the clumping of blood.
Polarized Water is the best ingredient for improving the efficacy of any product, including water purification, food production, energy drinks, holistic health, wound care and cosmetics. AquaNew holds the exclusive license on the WIT Technology for non-medical consumable products and will sub-license to other product manufacturers.
Health and Product Development Benefits of Polarized Water
Electron transfer supporting mitochondrial functions
High ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) so that oxygen is available
Stabilization of compounds for longer shelf life and product efficacy
Linear structure that passes the blood-brain barrier without caffeine or other stimulants
Amplification of redox signaling for stem cells and T-cells to wound sites
Faster, more robust plant growth for crop production and improved animal health
Effective water pre-treatment for improved product quality
All natural, 100% ultra-pure water
What can Watt-Ahh® do for me?
At AquaNew, we did not set out to create the best tasting water on the planet. We intended to create a solution that would promote the general health of all people and allow the body to heal diseases without the side affects of modern medicine. As scientists, we are concerned that so little attention is paid to the byproducts of reactions that take place within the body. Modern medicines bring about needed reactions, but the byproducts of these reactions create unintended side effects that are, in many cases, worse than the original problem. Our intent was to utilize modern science to restructure the water molecule to neutralize free radicals, penetrate cellular walls (effectively washing away toxic byproducts), and allow the body to heal itself the way nature intended.
As most people know, the FDA must approve any claims made by a product regarding health. This requires years and millions of dollars to be invested before the product can be marketed to those who need it most. As a result of these regulations, we make no claims regarding Watt-Ahh®. Instead, we supply you with testimonials from real people, scientific information in a language that you’ll understand, and historical facts that you’ll appreciate, so you can make your own decision about what’s good for you.
As stated earlier, we didn’t set out to make the best tasting water on the planet, it just turned out that way.
Purification Process for Watt-Ahh®
The AquaNew Purification Process involves multiple proven purification stages and a new patent pending stage for restructuring the molecular foundation of Water. The result is Watt-Ahh®, Ultra-pure Polarized Water, that has all of the benefits of pure water, plus additional treatments intended to provide good health and wellbeing. Read more about our elaborate 5-Stage Purification Process. You can also read about the availability of use licenses for the operation of the WIT Machines, used in many applications, by visiting
Download PDFProduct sheet with information about the new Oasis Tears PF.
Two technologies have come together for a greater purpose, and a sigh of relief can be heard in the dry eye community.
Oasis Tears PF Preservative-Free lubricant eye drops are packaged in an innovative ophthalmic multi-use bottle that prevents contamination through the use of a patented closing tip, valve and air venting system that prevents microbial entry into the bottle. This propriety system keeps Oasis Tears PF sterile for up to 90 days after opening.
Designed to give you effective relief from dry eye, Blepharitis and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), chalazion and styes.
Product Information
Soft and comfortable reinforced cotton
Adjustable strap
Protective pouch
Reusable and washable
25 seconds in the microwave delivers 10 minutes of moist heat
Always read the label and instructions for use
The first Step in the OPTASE® HEAT, CLEANSE, HYDRATE regimen
Check Offers link to Walgreens and Eye Doctor Information link.
How to use
OPTASE® Moist Heat Mask is simple to use. All you have to do is heat it in the microwave for 25 seconds to give your eyes 10 minutes of the prescribed Moist Heat Therapy.
How it works
The OPTASE® moist heat mask absorbs moisture from the air.
Once heat activated it releases moist heat from the mask onto the eye lids.
This then loosens the oils in the Meibomian Glands allowing the oil to flow more freely.
The oil helps prevent evaporation of your natural tears and provides symptom relief from dry eyes.
It also softens lid and lash debris before cleaning with the OPTASE® TTO Lid Wipe.
New Retaine® HPMC™ Lubricant Eye Drops
Retaine® HPMC™ Lubricant Eye Drops is a preservative-free Hypromellose Ophthalmic Solution (0.3%) that provides immediate relief to soothe dry, irritated eyes by resembling natural tears. Utilizing a proprietary airless application system that prevents harmful bacteria from entering the bottle and contaminating the solution, Retaine® HPMC™ enables delivery of multiple sterile doses to the eye without preservatives that can be damaging to the sensitive ocular surface. Most solutions intended for multiple use require the addition of preservatives, but Retaine® HPMC™ has a three month stability after opening with guaranteed sterility.
Ocusoft Lid Scrub PLUS Pre-Moistened Pads effectively removes oil, debris and desquamated skin from the eyelids which may cause eye irritation.
Ocusoft Lid Scrub Plus utilizes a low level preservative blend providing a wide range of anti-bacterial activity.
Ocusoft Lid Scrub Plus is recommended for patients with moderate-severe eyelid conditions clinically Trusted Non-Irritating Formula Improves Contact Lens Wearer Comfort Effectively Removes Cosmetics Dry, scratchy, irritated eyes? The problem may not be your eyes but rather your eyelids. Excessive oil and debris can build up on your eyelids and cause irritation.
OCuSOFT® Lid Scrub PLUS effectively remove oil and debris that may contribute to this irritation. OCuSOFT® Lid Scrub Formulas – Original and PLUS- are non-irritating to the eyes.
An extra strength leave-on eyelid cleanser that effectively relieves irritation by removing oil, debris,pollen and other contaminants. Added anti-inflammatory properties.
OCuSOFT®Lid Scrub®PLUS PLATINUM is an extra strength leave-on eyelid cleanser containing surfactants plus a moisturizer and preservative blend that effectively eradicates seven different strains of bacteria commonly found on the eyelidsincluding MRSA and Staph epi1. Significantly, it also contains PSG-2™, a proprietary formulation that includes phytosphingosine, a water-binding agent that mimics the natural lipid layer of the outer epidermis for increased moisturizing throughout the day. Phytosphingosine has been reported to offer both anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties as well as aid in wound-healing.
OCuSOFT®Lid Scrub®PLUS PLATINUM which also includes a surfactant not only addresses the source of most eyelid conditions, but also the resulting symptoms leading to improved patient compliance. OCuSOFT®Lid Scrub®PLUS PLATINUM joins a growing line of eyelid hygiene management products to address all types of eyelid conditions.
The root cause of anterior blepharitis is the overproduction of oils. Mild surfactants in OCuSOFT®Lid Scrub®eyelid cleansers act to dissolve and remove oil, debris and desquamated skin. Hypochlorous acid formulas do not contain these surfactants and thus are largely ineffective in debriding the oil, scales and debris often associated with eyelid irritations. Accordingly, in the most severe cases where Hypochlorous acid might be most beneficial, it is suggested to use Combination Therapy including both a surfactant cleanser and Hypochlorous acid to achieve optimum results.
OCuSOFT® Lid Scrub Original eyelid cleansing formula inprives patient compliance and promotes proper lid hygiene. OCuSOFT® Lid Scrub Original cleansing formula removes oil, debris and desquamated skin which may cause eye irritation.
clinically Trusted Non-Irritating Formula
Improves Contact Lens Wearer Comfort
Effectively Removes Cosmetics
Dry, scratchy, irritated eyes?
The problem may not be your eyes but rather your eyelids. Excessive oil and debris can build up on your eyelids and cause irritation.
OCuSOFT® Lid Scrub Formulas effectively remove oil and debris that may contribute to this irritation. OCuSOFT® Lid Scrub Formulas – Original and PLUS- are non-irritating to the eyes. OCuSOFT® Lid Scrub Original Formula is recommended for routine daily eyelid hygiene.
Oust ™ Demodex ® Foaming Cleanser an extra strength cleanser containing Tea Tree Oil effectively relieves irritation by removing oil, debris pollen and other contaminants from eyelashes, eyelids and is mild enough to use on the entire face, including eyelids and eyebrows. Also contains a moisturizer and preservative blend that offer anti-bacterial properties.
ProOmega® Junior Minis are a great way to give children double-strength omega-3s. Our tiniest soft gels yet, ProOmega® Junior Minis support learning, language, and brain development.*
Perfect for children three years and older, the pearl-sized, strawberry-flavored soft gels are fun to chew or easily swallowed. Two soft gels provide 285 mg of concentrated omega-3s.
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