Category Archives: Eye Vitamin Nutrition

Articles about Eye Vitamin Nutrition

AstaREAL’s Astaxanthin – Making A Difference

AstaReal Global - Official Channel

AstaReal Group, the manufacturer in which our Astaxanthin comes from in our Fortifeye Focus, gives us the inside scoop on their manufacturing. Now made in the USA since 2014, Astaxanthin is known to be the most potent antioxidant available. For 20 years, Quality has ben the most important building block to the AstaReal group, this is why Fortifeye uses AstaReal’s astaxanthin in our Fortifeye Focus. We want the best for you and nothing less! See the new video material below!


New Products !

Fortifeye Blue Green Superfood 
We are all on the go in today’s fast paced society and eat fast food and overly processed foods for convenience. Fortifeye Organic Blue Green Superfood is the nutritional supplement equivalent to 10-12
servings of 100% organically grown fruits and vegetables in one scoop. This formula is IBS friendly.

Fortifeye Super Protein
Fortifeye Super Protein is a non-denatured unbleached whey protein concentrate from grass fed New Zealand  cows. Certified no pesticide, hormones, or antibiotic are used with these cows.

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Dr Michael Lange discusses Proper Digestion for good ocular & overall health

Dr Michael Lange discusses Proper Digestion for good ocular health and overall health

Proper digestion is crucial for good ocular health as well as overall health discussed by Dr Michael Lange

When the food you consume on a daily basis is not digested well then the absorption of the nutrients is limited.  As we age our digestion can stop working at its peak level and then our overall health can suffer.  Many things can interfere with the natural digestive enzymes and natural bacteria in our digestive system and this can result in all sorts of conditions. Diet is often times the culprit for digestive issues. Todays diets are caloric dense and nutrient deficient. These foods are overly  processed, genetically modified , filled with pesticide, antibiotics, hormones, nitrites , nitrates, sugar, dyes, artificial sweeteners and preservatives. All of this can cause enormous stress on the digestive system.  Millions of people are plagued daily with food allergies, constipation, diarrhea, gas, acid reflux, heart burn, bloating, cramping and low energy .  All of these can be related to poor digestion.

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Anti Aging tips by Dr Michael Lange

Anti Aging Tips by Dr Michael Lange  10/14/16

The AntiAging Zone

Dr Michael Lange says to eat lots of colorful organically grown fruits and vegetables

Dr Michael Lange says to eat lots of colorful organically grown fruits and vegetables

1. Proper Diet is crucial! I recommend a modified organic gluten free paleo diet. The  largest portion of your meal should be vegetables , then fruit and then a good organically raised source of protein like eggs,  chicken, turkey, wild cold water fish , grass fed bison or beef.  Stay away form all processed, canned, frozen foods. Drink plenty of spring water and stay away from distilled or reverse osmosis water.  I dont like these type of purified waters because the minearls are leached out and they are very acidic. However if u have an RO system you can make the water healthy water Continue reading

How Changes in Diet, Proper Vitamins and Lifestyle Modifications May Help Macular Degeneration?

Vitamin therapy and lifestyle modifications have proven to be extremely valuable at helping to stabilize Macular Degeneration.

Dr. Michael P. Lange, OD, CNS 3/13/13

Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of vision impairment for people over the age of 55 in the United States.

Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of legal blindness in the United States in the over 55 age group. Currently there are close to two million people living in our country that are vision impaired from macular degeneration. With our population living longer and longer it is estimated that over 3 million people by 2020 will have Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD). By then each of us will know someone that has lost their vision from macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is a medical condition that causes degeneration of the central part of the retina called the macula. Continue reading

Proper Nutrition and Dry Eyes

Michael Lange OD, CNS 2/27/13

Nutrition for dry eyes is an area gaining a strong foothold in eye care centers around the globe.


Dry eye problems are one of the most common problems that optometrists and ophthalmologists are confronted with on a daily basis. Patients come into the office with eyes that feel sandy, gritty, burn, tear, itch and sometimes are quite painful. Traditionally in the past eye doctors would prescribe topical and oral medications along with artificial tears for this condition. Many eye care providers are now taking a more natural approach. Dry eyes can be improved through proper nutrition. The vast majority of dry eye patients will notice a significant improvement in dry eye symptoms once the correct dietary and lifestyle modifications are implemented. Dry eye is a nutritionally responsive condition and this article will discuss how proper diet and supplementation may improve subjective and objective signs and symptoms of dry eyes. Continue reading

Free Radicals, antioxidants and ORAC

Fortifeye Complete Vitamins combat against free radical damage with their
newest powerhouse antioxidants.

Free Radicals, antioxidants and ORACA free radical is a molecule with a missing or unpaired electron in its outer shell. Free radicals are unstable and highly reactive, they will search out the nearest stable molecule to steal an electron thus creating another free radical and a free radical cascade. This process is called oxidative stress or oxidative damage. The final result is the death of the cell. Evidence is accumulating that many degenerative diseases of the body and the eye originate as a result of free radical reactions. Continue reading

Fortifeye Nutrient Profile and Description

Vitamin A:

Right Ingredients - Right Science - Right For YouA fat-soluble, antioxidant vitamin important for vision and bone growth, belonging to the family of chemical compounds known as retinoids. Night blindness – the inability to see well in dim light – is associated with a deficiency of vitamin A. This vitamin is needed for the formation of rhodopsin, a retinal pigment. Vitamin A is also needed for the development of a healthy cornea. Third world countries have a high percentage of vitamin A deficiencies and need supplementation for the pregnant mothers and children. However most developed countries where the population is consuming animal proteins, fruits and vegetables are not deficient in vitamin A and do not need to supplement. Continue reading

Fortifeye® Vitamin Difference


Fortifeye Complete PlusSAMSUNG is a synergistic blend of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, whole foods, enzymes and omega three oils. This formula is all natural without the use of any dyes. These are nutraceuticals developed to aid in total body wellness and vision support. Fortifeye Complete Plus is a combination multi vitamin, eye vitamin, super fruit/vegetable extract and super concentrated omega-3 fish oil In Fortifeye Complete Plus one convinient package that is taken daily   (2 tablets and 1 gel cap). This unique formula is based on the latest science and is currently being used by thousands of patients throughout the world. Fortifeye Complete Plus has evolved to its current nutrient profile after seven years of research and ten reformulations. This final formula was reached after years of clinical use with patients in Large Eye Care Centers combined with serum and intracellular blood testing and retesting. Continue reading

Fortifeye Vitamin Bio Active High ORAC Antioxidant blend

imagesCA5SA03GThink of our exclusive Fortif eye Bio Active High ORAC Blend as your first line of defense.

Found only in our “Complete Plus” , “Complete Macular Defense” and “Complete 1 per Day” formulas, this power-house combination of antioxidants helps defend against damaging free radicals by protecting different parts of your eyes and body in different ways. After many years of clinical based research utilizing the latest in intracellular blood tests and plasma blood tests the Fortifeye research team decided to create the Bio Active High ORAC Blend and add it to their already existing product line. This blend was created to boost antioxidant level in the cells. Nutrients known to have the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity) were used. This gives the nutrients the cells need to allow the body to work at is fullest potential and help to fight against disease and aging in the eye and entire body. Continue reading

Nutrition For Dry Eyes

Michael P. Lange OD, CNS, 05/31/2013 updated 4/21/18 

Nutrition for dry eyes is an area gaining a strong foothold in eye care centers around the globe.

Dry eye conditions are one of the most common problems that optometrists and ophthalmologists see on a daily basis. Patients come into the office with eyes that feel sandy, gritty, burn, tear, itch and sometimes are quite painful. Traditionally in the past eye doctors would prescribe topical and oral medications along with artificial tears for this condition. Many eye care providers are now taking a more natural approach. Proper nutrition will help the patient suffering with dry eye dramatically. The  majority of dry eye sufferers will notice a significant improvement in dry eye symptoms when  the correct dietary and lifestyle modifications are implemented. Dry eye is a nutritionally responsive condition and this article will discuss how proper diet and supplementation may improve subjective and objective signs and symptoms of dry eyes. Continue reading

Foods for Macular Degeneration

Dr. Michael Lange, Optometric Physician and Certified Nutrition Specialist discusses proper diet for macular degeneration.

Lange Eye Care and Fortifeye Vitamins were both founded by Dr. Michael Lange, optometric physician, certified nutrition specialist and syndicated talk show host based in Ocala, FL.

Dr. Lange Eye InstituteProper nutrition is so important when dealing with macular degeneration. When adjusting a patient’s diet with macular degeneration we often see many overall health benefits and ocular health benefits. It is crucial for the optometrist or ophthalmologist to take the time to discuss nutrition for macular degeneration since this is one of the best lines of defense that we currently have. Continue reading