Tom Bluemling

Hi Dr. Lange,
I’m writing to describe by positive results with your products, most specifically Super Protein.
I’m a 66 year old male who has dealt with heart palpitations for 20-30 years. Each family physician I talked with said it was stress or lack of sleep. I grew to just accept it.
About six months ago, Dr Lange suggested I try the Super Protein to promote overall health. After a month, I began to notice a marked change in the occurrence of palpitations. I mentioned this to Dr Lange. He immediately said four things can cause palpitations. As my family physicians had said, stress, sleep and dehydration , however, Dr. Lange also said a lack of Glutathione can cause the problem.
Super Protein contains the Glutathione.
My palpitations have decrease immeasurably. I owe it to Dr. Lange and his products. I trust Dr. Lange for my eyes and my nutritional needs.
Thanks Dr. Lange.
Tom Bluemling