Tag Archives: undeantured whey protein isolate

Anti Aging tips by Dr Michael Lange

Anti Aging Tips by Dr Michael Lange  10/14/16

The AntiAging Zone

Dr Michael Lange says to eat lots of colorful organically grown fruits and vegetables

Dr Michael Lange says to eat lots of colorful organically grown fruits and vegetables

1. Proper Diet is crucial! I recommend a modified organic gluten free paleo diet. The  largest portion of your meal should be vegetables , then fruit and then a good organically raised source of protein like eggs,  chicken, turkey, wild cold water fish , grass fed bison or beef.  Stay away form all processed, canned, frozen foods. Drink plenty of spring water and stay away from distilled or reverse osmosis water.  I dont like these type of purified waters because the minearls are leached out and they are very acidic. However if u have an RO system you can make the water healthy water Continue reading