Tag Archives: omega 3 zone

Do you have LOW Omega 3?

Exciting new research is being conducted by the scientific teams at Fortifeye Vitamins and the Holman Omega 3 Test looking at the effects of recommended intakes of Fortifeye Super Omega (2 capsules/day) on the Omega 3 Test Score.omega-graph

The Holman Omega 3 Test measures the actual percentages or levels of omega 3 in your blood and helps you to determine your Omega 3 Health! Several high profile scientific publications now support having an Omega 3 Test score above 8% as compared to average American scores of 4-5%. Low omega 3 test scores have been linked to increased risk for heart disease, depression, obesity, eye diseases, breast cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s’ disease and many more altered health states. Do you have low omega 3? Continue reading