Category Archives: Omega Three Fish Oil

Authoritative new analysis links increased omega-3 intake to cardioprotection and improved cardiovascular outcomes

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Study indicates that EPA and DHA supplementation reduces multiple types of cardiovascular risk

A new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings provides the most comprehensive analysis of the role of omega-3 dosage on cardiovascular prevention to date. The meta-analysis, which is an in-depth review of 40 clinical trials, provides authoritative evidence for consuming more EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) omega-3 fats.

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Fish oil may benefit men with Prostate cancer

New Study reveals that men suffering from prostate cancer who took fish oil ksupplements alongside a low-fat diet demonstrated changes in their cancer tissue that may indicate reduced cancer aggression. CCP scores were significantly lower in the prostae cancer men who were on a low fat fish oil diet.  Lowering of CCP score may help prevent prostate cancer from being more agressive.  Learn more here:

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Do you have LOW Omega 3?

Exciting new research is being conducted by the scientific teams at Fortifeye Vitamins and the Holman Omega 3 Test looking at the effects of recommended intakes of Fortifeye Super Omega (2 capsules/day) on the Omega 3 Test

The Holman Omega 3 Test measures the actual percentages or levels of omega 3 in your blood and helps you to determine your Omega 3 Health! Several high profile scientific publications now support having an Omega 3 Test score above 8% as compared to average American scores of 4-5%. Low omega 3 test scores have been linked to increased risk for heart disease, depression, obesity, eye diseases, breast cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s’ disease and many more altered health states. Do you have low omega 3? Continue reading

Benefits of Omega-3

Will Omega-3 Fatty Acids Make You Healthier?

imagesVery rarely does traditional medicine and alternative medicine agree on anything.

However, both tend to believe in the positive health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Most health care practitioners in all disciplines are recommending patients consume more cold water fish or take the best fish oil supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids are creating quite a bit of media buzz in regards to the tremendous health benefits of omega-3. There are so many different types of omega-3; how does one decide what type to purchase and consume? What is the best omega-3 fatty acid on the market? Fish oil, krill oil, flax seed oil and squid oil all claim to be the best omega-3 available. All of the different sources of omega-3 can be quite confusing to the consumer as well as the physician. Which omega-3 oils have been studied the most? Where and whom do you trust when purchasing your omega-3 fatty acids? Continue reading

How to Pick a Good Omega Three Fish Oil

Omega three is quite a buzz word lately.

imagesCA7XGMO2The world is going through an omega three explosion. You hear about the positive health benefits from increased consumption of omega three fatty acids on talk shows, advertisements, health food stores, drug stores, the Internet and from your friends and physicians. There are so many different means of obtaining omega three fatty acids that it becomes quite confusing. Currently the best and most bioavailable form of omega three fatty acids is derived from marine sources. Fish oil, krill oil and squid oil (calamari) have the highest most bioavailable forms of omega three fatty acids. Fish oil currently has by far the most clinical research linking the positive health benefits to omega three out of the three mentioned. The shelves at the supermarket, health food stores and drug stores are filled with different brands, concentrations and derivatives of omega three fish oil. The typical consumer can become very confused when attempting to purchase an omega three fish oil while relying on a store clerk with very little education to make a recommendation. Continue reading

Natural Approach for Dry Eyes

Dr. Michael Lange on natural approach for dry eyes and discussion of the metabolic pathways of omega-6 and omega-3 in regards to dry eye and health

There are some great nutritional approaches that may improve the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, however most eye care providers, MDs, DOs and ODs are under utilizing this complimentary nutritional support for dry eyes. Continue reading

The Latest Dry Eye Syndrome Vitamin by Fortifeye Vitamins

New relief in dry eyes and tired eyes – Fortifeye Dry Eye Extreme for natural dry eye relief

Dr. Lange at the Norway fish oil factory, tweaking his formula.

Dr. Lange at the Norway fish oil factory, tweaking his formula.

Michael  Lange O.D. C.N.S. reviews new dry eye/ tired eye management with proper supplementation from Fortifeye Vitamins. Fortifeye Dry Eye Extreme (not yet available) is a new dry eye therapy that is doctor formulated and has been carefully designed to utilize the benefits of combining omega 3 fish oil, gamma linolenic acid (GLA) and astaxanthin. Continue reading